What is the SandStorm script for shortening links ?
It is a script for creating and managing links shortening sites that helps you work professionally and quickly due to the many advantages and additions it contains
SandStorm script features
The script is based on Adlinkfly latest version 6.4.0 and has all its features
Protected with ioncude
Wonderful shape and design above the excellent in the interface of the site as well as in the user interface and a new look for everything available on the profit withdrawal page and also the links page … etc.
The addition of a copy button in the design is completely new to suit the user
Wonderful withdrawal page and the feature of controlling everything, setting a minimum and setting payment days, with the addition of 5 colors to design the payment case
The design is available with a chat between you and the user, you can control it, display the user from the chat, and return it, and you can see its links, the user’s page, etc.
The existence of a system of alerts notifications to show the user a message
Adding Group Control on the admin control page on the Withdraws page, for more control available in the group, you access several shortcuts for anyone who asks to withdraw their uniforms to access their links and send them a message or get their page with profits or a comprehensive report in which all the user data is
A comprehensive control panel in the messaging system, in which the messages are displayed to the user’s device, and you can view it, and there is a comprehensive control that responds to everyone, prohibiting or canceling a message etc.
Available in it to convert all other domain visits to one domain of your choice, for example, you have more than one working domain and each domain has traffic. You can convert all visits to one domain
The possibility of banning domains from profits, meaning that if you have users, they will take traffic from a certain domain and you want to block it and prohibit its profits. You can easily add it. Any user will send visits from this domain. It will not be considered a profit, and any visits from the domain will not be calculated. You can drop any number of domains.
The ability to add a YouTube video to the home page
The possibility of linking the shortcut script to the WordPress site so that the shortcut keeps the word for the first two pages in the shortcut and turns on WordPress. It can get through WordPress. It gets the basic link to the user. It needs capabilities and control for every need in WordPress. From the shortcut control panel, you add any number of articles to be converted, meaning the conversion is not only on one topic
An advertisement system like YouTube is available in 6 forms and a comprehensive control from the shortcut panel for everything, with two places for ad units that appear exactly like Adam’s ads. You can land a YouTube video, ads, or a website link if you will work selling website visits or YouTube visits Available in 6 forms in all settings
Adding 3 ad places in the design to each page of the shortcut, I mean, you can add your ads from the air of the site without modifying the hosting for each page.